0 Give Yourself A Break

Helllooo everyone, hope you’ve had a great week so far…so i know my last few posts were heavy today I want to take a different turn…

When I got attacked, one of the things my counselor helped me realize was that rape was about someone trying to take control of my body. Hearing that…..I decided I would do things to help me regain control.

One of the things I do every once in a while is remind myself that I am more than the attack and I refuse to constantly live in a shell because of it…..hey at least its what works for me loll point is when you find something that works for you, embrace it!

Back to my point lol…..I choose to spend my time doing things I enjoy and with people I love, people that help build me….not just to take my mind off things, but to also remind myself that I am AWESOME and that there are other GREAT things in life!

It is never healthy to allow your mind spiral down a negative thought path for too long, its just no good… have to know that you are AWESOME and just cuz you went through something so HORRIBLE you can laugh again….and laughing again and finding joy again does not in anyway mean that the incident didn’t happen….on the contrary it means that you refuse to be defined by the incident… I love music and I love hanging with my family, I spend a lot of time with them, I travel once in a while, movies is also never a bad idea and sometimes I just need a little girl time with my friends but i always always need a BIG hug from my nieces and of course its extra special when I hear them say I love you hehe lolll

So without boring you for too long, I just want to encourage you to take sometime to find your smile again do the things you love, hang around people who love and support you, who build you up, I’m a christian so I’m a firm believer of the healing power of Christ, take some time to pray…bottom line, do whatever is you need to take back your power!

Be patient with yourself, have fun and LAUGH AGAIN!!

If you have any comments or questions please feel free to hit me up, I would LOVE to hear from you!!

Love-Ms T

**Please if you are in need of help, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.HOPE (4673)**


It’s raining outside…..but I’ve had this desire burning in my heart and this thought running in my mind….and I hear myself say START TODAY!

This is in no way easy for me and yes, I’m deciding to keep my identity anonymous for my privacy and but for the readers you can call me Ms T

I don’t want to spend so much time going over the gory details of my attacks because doing that only sends me into a very dark place in my life and that is NOT what I want to achieve with this blog…..I want ALL readers to walk away feeling ENCOURAGED after reading my posts…..

So if you’ve been abused, sexually or in any other way that has left you feeling powerless, I would like to encourage you to take back your power, starting today!!

This is something I’ve had to do AND I’m still doing by taking control of my thoughts and my words…..I remind myself that there’s a difference between my feelings and facts…. and the number one fact i tell myself everyday is IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!!!

I think it’s very important we try to remind ourselves that everyday….It’s important to know that there was absolutely nothing you did to cause someone to violate you in the way they did! My knowledge of this fact began my path to healing and I pray it does for you too….

What began your path to healing? Please feel free to share so that we can all benefit from each other…..feel free to use an anonymous name if you need to


Ms T